Wigilia klasowa

On 19 December we had Christmas Eve. That day we met in our classroom. We decorated the tables with tablecloths and Christmas decorations. There were pieces of a christmas tree and candles on the table. Each of us has prepared something to eat. 

   There were cakes, muffins, fruit and juice. Everyone was elegantly dressed. Before we sat at the table, we wished Merry Christmas to each other and shared the wafer.


   It was a lot of fun .We were singing carols. Later, Antek prepared presentations on Christmas customs. We also talked about traditions in our homes. 


There was unique atmosphere. Everyone loved it.

 written by Julia

Copyright 2011 Klasy archiwum. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 82 w Krakowie im. Świętej Jadwigi Królowej Polski. Szkoła Edukacji Artystycznej.
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